Konica Minolta Business Solutions Human Resources Phone Number

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About Konica Minolta

Giving Shape to Ideas

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Human Capital

Developing Human Capital

Konica Minolta's Approach

Background and Issues

Nowadays, companies the world over are competing to create new services by leveraging big data with AI and ICT technologies. Konica Minolta, too, is aiming to become a digital company with insight into implicit challenges, the key to which is the transformation of human capital.
The company recognizes that it must first accurately ascertain the needs of customers and society. Then, based on those needs, it must systematically and continuously develop professionals that can create and provide the kind of innovative value that is unique to Konica Minolta.


To create innovative value, every person has to let their individuality shine and professionals holding diverse views must engage in uninhibited discussions.
The company's human resources development vision is to empower people who can drive reform, feel a strong sense of ownership and complete projects to the end. Other highly prized qualities include ingenuity, the ability to engage partners, and the ability to create customer value. Konica Minolta wants to develop "business athletes" who can compete globally. This transformation of individuals as a professional will drive the transformation of the company.

Key Measures and KPIs

  • Systematically train employees with leadership skills by selecting young people early and reinforcing the pipeline for women officer candidates
  • Provide global training for leaders who can meet customer needs with digital solutions (DX leaders) and finish assignments to global DX leadership positions by fiscal 2022
Result Target
Strategic assignment of managerial candidates (%) (percentage of employees assigned to strategic leadership positions) 70 70 100 100
Number of DX leaders trained (people) - - 27 -

Human Resource Development

Konica Minolta is focused on training employees to drive business growth.

In order to overcome the difficult competitive environment, Konica Minolta is training employees who can drive sustainable business growth by creating innovation.

Systematically Training Next-Generation Leaders (Implementation of Succession Planning)

Training leadership personnel systematically is essential to support the sustainable growth of the company as it pursues digital transformation.
Particularly pressing issues include selecting young employees earlier, strengthening the pipeline for women director candidates, and establishing a specific plan for training candidates.
Konica Minolta addresses these challenges by providing regular opportunities for the President and CEO and top management to review talent in all businesses.
Through these reviews, the company is elucidating the organizational issues in each business at present and those anticipated in three to five years, as well as identifying the employee criteria for the leadership positions that will be required. Both short-term and medium-term candidates are then listed, and an HR development plan is drafted.
Top management is committed to seriously discussing issues such as the early selection of young employees who can lead the next generation and the encouragement of performance among women to capitalize on diverse talent.

Systematically Training Next-Generation Leaders (Implementation of Succession Planning)

Raising up Global DX Leaders

Konica Minolta believes it is essential to orchestrate expert organizations and expand on a global scale the training of leaders who can meet the needs of customers with digital solutions. Accordingly, the company is stipulating the requirements for DX leaders, making visible and narrowing down the global candidates for these positions, and implementing education programs in collaboration with external education institutions.
Konica Minolta will focus first on the digital workplace field and expand the DX business with strategic global assignments.

Raising up Global DX Leaders

Developing a Human Capital System

As the foundation of its OJD,* Konica Minolta, Inc. enhances its impact by providing rank-based training tailored to changes in roles and positions, as well as a range of training programs to raise knowledge and skills. In addition, the company offers a wide range of education programs to complement these. The company focuses resources on its selective training programs, which train the business producers that will lead Konica Minolta in the future. A total of approximately 8,600 employees took the training programs provided in fiscal 2020 (including rank-based training and the Konica Minolta College), and the total time spent in training was approximately 64,000 hours. In addition, the average training time per employee per year was about 13 hours (about 1.5 days).

OJD: A variation of on-the-job training (OJT), OJD refers to the development of abilities while facing real-life work challenges, under the guidance of a superior.

Developing a Human Capital System

Business Producer Development Program (CGF)

Konica Minolta, Inc. implements a program (CGF) that aims to train business producers who can achieve robust business growth. The company carefully selects young employees with the desire to solve social issues through the creation of new value, and 15 were selected in fiscal 2020, the tenth fiscal year. As part of the training curriculum, the young employees who participate in the program work on creating new businesses while refining their skills together. This is not a pre-existing program, but is actually a curriculum that was entirely created by Management Committee members who are passionate about training the employees selected from a wide range of fields within the company. In light of this, CGF plays a major role as an opportunity for interaction and refinement across the workplace, specialties and generations.

Brainstorming new business ideas

System to Develop and Certify ICT Personnel

Konica Minolta, Inc. has implemented an internal training program to develop ICT personnel who can leverage IT and digital technologies to provide added value from the customer's perspective. The ICT Personnel Skills Certification System has been put in place to certify and register skill levels, from beginner to expert, based on the company's definitions of human capital, such as Data Scientist.*1 A training curriculum has been developed at each level. In fiscal 2020, 154 employees were certified and registered as Data Scientists, 47 as Konica Minolta Product Owners*2, 12 as IT Architects*3, and 67 as Konica Minolta System Architects.*4

Data Scientist: Personnel who can identify decision-making and workflow issues by reviewing various types of data and then establish solutions
KM (Konica Minolta) Product Owner: Personnel well versed in both business and software technology who can maximize return on investment in software development
IT Architect: Personnel who are responsible for realizing the processes and architecture for providing IT services to customers
Konica Minolta system architect: These personnel primarily build infrastructure and systems in the cloud and design application architecture.

Konica Minolta College

This educational program is open to all Konica Minolta employees, with class enrollment available through the Group's intranet system. The college currently offers over 150 courses, covering areas from business skills to expert skills, e-learning topics and distance education. These courses can help employees acquire knowledge of Konica Minolta's technologies and other cutting-edge technologies as well as critical business skills.

Konica Minolta College

Global Assignment Program for Early Career Talent

Konica Minolta, Inc. has a short-term training program that allows early-career employees to go abroad to learn at sales companies and world-class business schools. By practicing leadership and interacting with others possessing diverse values, these employees can improve and expand their outlook, which helps them to succeed on the global stage. The aim is to develop leaders early in their careers.
To date, 122 young employees have participated in this program. Since the end of the program, they have been using these experiences to contribute to the business. While only employees working in Japan have been eligible so far, similar programs exist at the regional level coordinated by central subsidiary companies. Konica Minolta, Inc. plans to expand the scope to include mobility between all countries worldwide, including to and from Japan to overseas, as Konica Minolta trains early career employees who are candidates for managerial positions at a global level.

Participant taking part in a trade show exhibit

A Personnel System Designed to Promote Human Resource Development

Assessment and Treatment System

Konica Minolta, Inc. will continue to develop talented personnel who can win among global competition, aiming to create an organization that continues to provide customers with new value. In order to accelerate these results, the company revised its personnel assessment and treatment system for general employees in 2016. A new system that will highly evaluate talented personnel who act in accordance with the Konica Minolta Philosophy and take on the challenge of pursuing ambitious goals without fear of failure was devised.
Moreover, seniority is no longer considered in determining employee treatment. Instead, skills and results are evaluated fairly and reflected in promotions and salary increases.
To promote better management performance, a 360-degree evaluation system was introduced for managers, through which they receive feedback from colleagues and subordinates every six months.

Open Job Posting and Free Agent Systems

As a complement to the Group's company-led system of personnel assignments, Konica Minolta, Inc. has introduced the Internal Open Job Posting System and the Free Agent (FA) System, which encourage employees to request transfers to new positions on their own. These systems will help produce employees willing to undertake new positions in building their own careers and create a corporate culture that respects the desire to challenge oneself in new ways.
Konica Minolta, Inc. has introduced the Internal Open Job Posting System, which allows employees to apply for open positions posted by departments looking for personnel.
The Free Agent (FA) System allows employees wishing to take on the challenge of a new type of job or department to post their application on the intranet. Departments with open positions review the employees' posts, call promising candidates in for interviews, and if both the department and the employee agree, the employee is transferred to the new job.
With these two systems in place, Konica Minolta continues to facilitate the fluid movement of talented personnel across the Group and to support employees' self-determination in shaping their own careers.

Evaluation by External Parties

Konica Minolta Wins the Governor of Tokyo Award for Excellent Company Awards for Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Konica Minolta's special subsidiary, Konica Minolta With You, Inc., received the Governor of Tokyo Award at the Excellent Company Awards for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
In order to create an environment in which people with disabilities can play an active role in the workplace, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government selects companies in Tokyo that make distinctive, outstanding efforts to employ people with disabilities and recognizes them through the Excellent Company Awards for Employment of Persons with Disabilities.

Reason for Award

During the first three years of employment, Konica Minolta With You takes a long-term perspective in human resource development by providing employees with experience in a variety of tasks through job rotation while assessing their aptitudes. The company clarifies the type of person and skills it is looking for, and incorporates these into its own wage policy, and raises salaries based on individual abilities.

Establishment of a Global HR Organization

Konica Minolta, Inc. has set up a global human resources organization to develop personnel around the world and put the right people in the right positions. The aim is to realize a corporate group that continually provides new value to customers worldwide. The global human resources organization seeks to collaborate with senior management and relevant departments in order to promote individual skills and the capabilities of the entire Group. Various measures are being implemented such as the visualization of talent at a global scale, making worldwide human resources visible, preparing individual career development plans, as well as assigning work based on individual career development plans, performing global job rotation, and providing training opportunities in and outside the company. A remuneration system is also being introduced to further motivate employees.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Human Resources Phone Number

Source: https://www.konicaminolta.com/about/csr/human-capital/careerup.html

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